Mercury Retrograde

Psychopomp | Hermes | Mercury⁠⁠

In Greek mythology, Mercury is revered as the Psychopomp, the guide of souls. He holds the unique ability to traverse between the realms of heaven, mortals, and the underworld. ⁠⁠From a psychological perspective, the "underworld" represents the unconscious or hidden aspects, while the world of mortals symbolizes our everyday waking consciousness. The heavenly realm signifies our higher self.⁠⁠

During Mercury Retrogrades (currently occurring from September 10 to October 1), Mercury fully embraces his role as the Psychopomp, and we become open to receiving messages from all three levels of awareness.⁠⁠ Insights from the underworld, the realm of the unconscious, may rise to the surface of our consciousness, presenting themselves through dreams, insights, miscommunication, and unexpected disruptions. By listening attentively to these messages, we have the potential to ascend to the heavenly realms.⁠⁠

In my personal exploration of Mercury Retrograde, I have engaged in activities such as dream journaling, incorporating new techniques of Moon Cycles into my astrological practice, and delving into the rich mythology of West African Yoruba culture.⁠⁠

Yoruba mythology offers fascinating insights, and one concept that has captivated my contemplation is their perspective on reincarnation. Unlike many Eastern traditions that view reincarnation as a cycle of suffering to transcend, the Yoruba people perceive it as a positive gift. This viewpoint resonates deeply with me, and it is something I have explored and cherished before.⁠⁠

During Mercury Retrograde periods, when the veils between worlds become more accessible, pondering such ideas can be truly captivating.⁠⁠

What has emerged for you in the past few weeks? Have you noticed any unusual occurrences, a sense of fate, or the feeling of dwelling in liminal spaces?⁠

📸 Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl ⁠
"Hermes Guiding Souls In The Underworld"⁠


Scorpio Season


Libra Season