Aries Season

March 21 - April 19

Aries - Embracing the Fierce Flame


Captured in this image is my dear friend, @danihiro_therewild, a woman with a Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo, and Aries Rising. While her inner receptiveness and mystical connection shine through, her Aries Rising brings forth a fierce and bold essence. Her raw honesty, courageous spirit, and heroic qualities inspire me deeply.

Aries represents the spark of life, the primal force of energy, and the courage to embrace life with passionate intensity. It embodies the youthful and daring nature that fearlessly follows the calling of the heart, without waiting for permission.

During the month of Aries, we are invited to reflect on how we harness our inner fire. Are you naturally fiery, or does it take effort to ignite your flames?

  • If you tend to hesitate and doubt, now is the time to grant yourself permission to embrace self-reflection, desire, and pursue your aspirations.

  • On the other hand, if you run hot and fierce, this season offers an opportunity to temper your energy and cultivate wisdom in how you channel and express your fire.

Dani @danihiro_therewild shares profound teachings through yoga, oracle readings, self-massage, and more. I highly recommend following her page for magical insights and inspiration. ❤️

As we navigate the vibrant energy of Aries, let us embrace our passions, ignite our inner flames, and fearlessly pursue our dreams. May we embody the spirit of Aries, living life boldly and authentically, driven by our unique desires and guided by the courage to forge our own path.


Taurus Season


Pisces Season