Taurus Season

April 20 - May 21

Taurus Season has arrived, and it's a sign that aligns beautifully with Mercury Retrograde. While opinions may vary, Taurus offers valuable lessons in:

  • Embracing the simple pleasures of life

  • Finding joy in the small moments each day

  • Slowing down and savoring amidst chaos

  • Cultivating a sense of calm and relaxation

These values provide a solid foundation for navigating Mercury Retrograde.

One aspect I admire about Taurus is its ability to digest experiences. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to rush from one event to another without truly absorbing their impact. Taurus reminds us to pause and reflect.

During the upcoming four weeks of Taurus season and the following three weeks of Mercury Retrograde, let's bring awareness to our pacing. Let's consciously create space between our activities, allowing ourselves to fully process and integrate what unfolds.

How do you resonate with Taurus Season? Does the inclination to take things slow come naturally to you, or do you often need reminders to fully digest experiences? Embracing the Taurus vibe can support us in cultivating a deeper connection with the present moment and finding groundedness amidst the ebb and flow of life.


Gemini Season


Aries Season