Gemini Season

May 21 - June 20

This zodiac month marks the vibrant season of Gemini, symbolized by the Twins.

This social flutterby brings everlasting curiosity, playfulness, and a mosaic-like quality to life.

Greetings, dear friends! I've been rather quiet online since Mercury Retrograde concluded and Gemini Season commenced. It's my occasional practice to disconnect, let go, and step out of my usual routine.

During this period of unplugging, I've been exploring the enchanting Peloponnese region in Greece alongside my partner. One of the highlights was visiting the revered Temple of Asclepius, a mythical site that I look forward to sharing more about soon.

One aspect of travel that fascinates me is discovering diverse perspectives on what is considered normal in different cultures. Challenging my own notion of normalcy by embracing alternative ways of life is incredibly enriching and keeps my mind youthful.

This value strongly resonates with Gemini, which I affectionately call the Collector of Perspectives. Gemini understands that multiple perceptions and "truths" exist simultaneously.

During Gemini Season, we are encouraged to exercise our mental agility. Let's open our minds to alternative viewpoints, explore new possibilities, and venture into uncharted territories.

It's time to clear away mental cobwebs and pose questions we wouldn't typically ask. Let's cultivate curiosity in subjects that lie beyond our usual interests. Engage in novel activities, forge new friendships, and immerse yourself in fresh books or experiences.

Like Alice in Wonderland, let's embark on a journey beyond the boundaries of our known reality, opening ourselves up to a world of wonder and discovery. 🐰🍄🫧🍭

📸 @nathanziemanski


Cancer Season


Taurus Season