Cancer Season

June 21 - July 23


Organic, Intuitive, Circular, Emotional, Sensitive

During Cancer Season, influenced by the Moon, we are called to embrace the wisdom of cycles, fluctuations, and the nonlinear aspects of life.

An evocative symbol for Cancer is the "heptapodic," inspired by the film Arrival directed by Denis Villeneuve. In the movie, the extraterrestrial species known as "heptapods" communicate through an interdimensional and circular language. Their intricate circular glyphs hold multidimensional information, transcending time and conveying profound meaning in a spiral or web-like manner. πŸ•ΈοΈ

Cancer shares a connection with these symbolic languages. Like being submerged in water, Cancer perceives the world through metaphors, emotions, symbols, dreams, and the ebb and flow of energies. This intuitive perception makes Cancer highly sensitive to their environment.

Just like the protective shell of a crab πŸ¦€, Cancer's gentle sensitivity necessitates periods of retreat and inner replenishment. It finds solace in stillness, seeking nourishment within.

During this season, let us all tap into the realm of the nonlinear. Take time to observe the natural rhythms and shifts in your energy throughout the day. Slow down, and listen to the wisdom of your intuitive senses.

Mantra for Cancer Season:

"I embrace the circular nature of time, flowing endlessly. I surrender to the ebb and flow, honoring each moment within the cycle. I nurture my body through reflection on symbols and dreams. I embrace sleep as a gateway to the joy of being, immersing myself in its depths."


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Gemini Season