Gemini Season

May 21 - June 20

Curious, Playful, Adaptable, Social, Flirty

As we step into the vibrant season of Gemini, we unlock the realms of curiosity, endless possibilities, and new mental landscapes. It dawns upon us that we possess more than just one voice within us, and our personalities contain multifaceted dimensions.

This year's Gemini season takes place amidst Mercury Retrograde, akin to a winged and airy essence submerged underwater. The swift flutter of Gemini is called to slow down and perceive differently, immersing ourselves in an altered mental landscape.

It resides in the liminal space, betwixt and between, neither fully here nor there. In this realm, we ponder, "How can we find rest and presence in this liminal space?" Gemini beckons us to engage with the language of symbols, where insights emerge from the depths through dreams, reflections, and intuitive flashes.

Gemini presents a mental tapestry adorned with magenta, teal, and lemon-hued balloons. For some, this may seem unstable and unreliable, causing confusion. Yet, for others, it awakens a world of playfulness, boundless possibilities, and liberating freedom.

As we collectively embrace this period of mental flexibility, Gemini urges us to keep our minds open. How can we stretch our understanding to embrace the multidimensionality of ourselves?

Empowering Forces of Gemini:

  • Playfulness

  • Curiosity

  • Adaptability

  • Social Butterfly

  • Flirty Disposition

  • Youthful Energy

Precautions to Observe:

  • Beware of inconsistency in thoughts, words, or actions.

  • Avoid being flighty or easily distracted by the next shiny thing.

  • Practice honest communication rather than skirting around the truth.

  • Maintain awareness of the trickster archetype and exercise discernment.

Embrace the joyous dance of Gemini, reveling in the wonders of curiosity, adaptability, and social connections. Let your mind wander through the labyrinth of possibilities, uncovering the layers of your multifaceted being.


Cancer Season


Taurus Season